"The Wildest Most Hilarious Mix-Up Ever Put On Film!"
Those are their words, not mine.
It's not too often in this column that I get to present an Oscar-nominated film. That's why this week is a little special, kids, because our movie WAS nominated for an Academy Award. No, it's not The Life of Emile Zola, or Ordinary People. And all of you fans of How Green Was My Valley (and I know you're out there) are sure to be let down. But, bear with me here. This movie may have been forgotten, but that doesn't make it any less acclaimed.
Without further adieu, I present the Oscar-nominated motion picture Invisible Woman, nominated in 1940 for its special effects.
Way back in 1940, people were really, really gullible when it came to special effects. You could dangle a salad bowl on a string and tell people it was a flying saucer. All it took to make a terrifying movie about a giant monster cat was the producer's pet tabby and a few plastic army men. If you slapped a bit of mud on a baby you'd have, well, a swampbaby. Yes indeed, it was a good time to work in Hollywood special effects.
Taking all of that into consideration, you can imagine how people were blown away by the Invisible Men movies started coming out. Step aside, Weta Workshop. Time to hang your heads in shame, Industrial Light and Magic. THESE are special effects:
Some special effects just don't stand the test of time, do they?
At 0:01 - I... I can't believe my eyes! Am I really seeing this? Is that a... leg?!??
At 0:07 - My ears, too. Even my ears have betrayed me!
At 0:10 - Who said that? I don't see anyone...
At 0:12 - The amazing, Oscar-nominated John Barrymore.
At 0:15 - Oh, that's nothing. I've got rid of plenty of women in my lifetime - I just wish they'd stick around at least for the extent of the date.
At 0:32 - How many "boy-friends" does she have??
At 0:44 - No hyperbole there, nosiree.
At 0:46 - And down he goes.
At 0:52 - Don't get excited, Cake Man.
At 1:10 - "... I made it to turn beautiful naked women invisible!"
At 1:15 - WTF???!?

Golly gee, is it just me or does the invisible woman looks HOT on that poster?
But, take a look down between her legs. No, that's not what I mean. I'm talking about two little people. She's kicking his ass, isn't she?

She IS kicking him in the ass. Hilarity! Hilarity, I say.
"Put your clothes on!"
Trailer Trash is a weekly tribute to oddball, cheesy and often just plain terrible movie trailers. Writers: These movies got made... so can yours! You can read through our archive by clicking here.