Thursday, March 15, 2007

And So It Begins (Part 1)

Part one of our four-part opening revolves around LoKor's arrival on Earth and, more importantly, his discovery by Cake Man. If nothing else, it seems fitting. Blogger, for all it's perks, is a bit faulty when it comes to posting pictures. Unfortunately, to see the strip in its full visual glory, you will have to click on it. Needless to say, I hope that you do so.

(Click image to enlarge.)

(All that being said, please, if you haven't done so, take the time to read Cake Man's earlier post. While I've made an attempt to stay away from the sentimentality involved with the formation of this group, he nails it, and touchingly so. Save it, bookmark it, and come back to it when being an artist is a little harder than you expected.)

Write on...


I just re-watched M. Knight Shamylan's "Unbreakable." I had forgotten how much I liked that film. Don't get me wrong; I remembered liking it, but not to the degree that I do. It's a little slow-paced at times, yes. I'll give that to its critics. But it is a well told, intriguing story, both for comic book and non-comic book fans alike. And, let's face it, more importantly, it got made. That's a testament to it in itself.

The film really makes one (er, it made me) think about the superhero genre, and how, more and more, super heroes are just a way to make everyday extremes and "impossible" situations more believable. We're bred to believe in this world where when one grows up, he or she puts on a suit and goes to work, either by car or on the train, and then comes home at the end of the day, sick of his/her job, and ready for dinner. But is that what we're really here to do? Is that what we want to do?

Those of us who subscribe to The League's boards, who read the columns posted here irregularly want more. We want to be able to avoid those lone car rides and train treks, the gridlocks and commutes. We want to avoid the ties and the offices. We want to avoid the cubicles. We see the world through different lenses, and we try to convey that to others, either through acting, writing, painting, film, or any other number of things. We try to be different, to stand out, and, perhaps, to help fix the world bit by bit, day by day, in our own ways. In short, we try to be the super heroes of our day. We don't have the strength and flight capabilities of Superman or the intelligence and will power of Batman perhaps, but we have something they do have. We have a desire to stand out. To be different. To help. For what is art, if not an aide for the public? I cannot seriously believe that an artist creates solely for his/her benefit. There is a world beyond the artist, and he is aware of that. Whether he participates in it regularly or not is not up for debate. But a painter wants people to see his work. A writer wants someone to see his plays and read his books. And an actor wants someone to see him, wants someone to be moved by him. And all artists want to make a difference through their work.

The artist is today's superhero, and as Uncle Ben told Peter Parker, "With great power comes great responsibility." If you have the power, use it. This world is often an ugly place; help us paint it pretty colors.