Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Trailer Trash IV: The Van

"Bobby couldn't make it... til he went Fun-Truckin' in a Van!"

Show of hands, based on what you just saw, how many of you need to see this movie?

The trailer gives the impression that the movie is short on plot, but REALLY delivers on van accessories.

IMDB offers up the following (god-awful) logline: "Bobby is a shy Los Angeles teenager who buys a sleek chevy van for himself to impress, pick up, and seduce various teenage girls to spruce up his dull life while trying to get money by drag racing other vans to finance operating it."

Hey, Cake-Man - Lose your "pizzazz"? Not "making it with the chicks"? Then it's time to buy a van. And then drag race it. The Chicks love that!

"It's Van-tastic!"